Sunday, January 24, 2010

so in January, we're gettin' married...

Saw the Avett Brothers on Austin City Limits last night and the only thing that could have beat it was being there to see it live!! The quote from today's title is from their newest release.

So it is already the end of January and I have been so busy trying to catch up at work that I have not been able to blog in weeks. To be honest, my creativity has been depleted. However, it is back today and I have been trying to paint with my girls. As a big pot of white chili simmers on the stove, we pull out all the paints, paper and such. I want to paint something so bad, but yet I am not sure what. I took painting classes in college, but never "quite" got into it. We start with some simple sketches and before long we are putting those ideas on canvas. For a while, I continue on the shapes that create the object that I had sketched earlier. I am enjoying the process and just letting my mind wander off while I sit the kitchen table listening to the girls pick colors and swap ideas for their own works of art. Although I do not end up painting anything truly amazing, my thirst for creating is quenched and soon I move on to learning some bass chords with my husband. The girls are on to playing together in their rooms. You have to love these "rainy day" Sundays!!!

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